The Site and its services are intended to facilitate the offering for sale of major brands & products. A limited license is granted to you by us to view, download, and use a single copy of the Site solely for your personal, non-commercial use and only as an aid to shopping on the Site. The Site may be used in a manner consistent with this purpose, and only within the context of the products, services and information set forth on the Site. Except as provided herein, you are not permitted to download (other than page caching) or change any portion of the Site, unless you have our express written consent. Le Natural Mall takes no responsibility or liability related to the site or to the customer in dealing with out side influences. Any Business related to Product Partners is with in your own risk and has no liability with Le Natural Mall.
You may not collect listings of products, prices, descriptions, use any portion of the content in any derivative way, download, or copy information or other matter for use of any other party. You may not gather information and data on the Site from mining, robots or other extraction tools. The information displayed on the Site may not be used for any purpose except in connection with your direct use of the Site as permitted by this Terms of Use, and may not be excerpted, summarized, duplicated or otherwise removed from the Site. In addition, you represent, warrant and agree that you will not use (or plan, encourage or help others to use) the Site for any purpose or in any manner that is prohibited by this Terms of Use or by applicable law. You also may not interfere with the proper operation of the Site including, but not limited to, by attacking, hacking into, or otherwise attempting to penetrate any non-publicly accessible elements of the Site, through the use of bots, Trojan Horses, viruses, DNS attacks, or other technology which is designed or intended to interfere with the proper operation of the Site or the use of the Site by any users. Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by Le Natural Mall, in addition to all rights at law or in equity.
Managing General Agent herein after called the MGA.
Other Agent: the Associate General Agent or General Agent Brokers as defined . The MGA and/or the AGA may recommend the appointment of GAB’s for the promotion, sale and servicing of Le Natural Mall.
Advertising: All marketing or promotional material to be used by GAB and its Representatives which refer to Le Natural Mall, LNM Cleaning, LNM Contracting LNM Travel- Holiday Vacation Rental Properties, Say High to Okanagan Tours, Say Hi to Okanagan Tours, Altimate Club Wine Tours, Red and White Wine Tours products trademarks or logos, regardless off media, will be submitted to Le Natural Mall for pre-approval in writing prior to publication or distribution.
Acceptance of Applications: Le Natural Mall will have the full authority to act or not to act on any application for Le Natural Mall products submitted by r though the GAB. No right of action against Le Natural Mall will arise because of refusal, delay, or postponement by Le Natural Mall for any reason.
Change of Products: Le Natural Mall will determine the plan character, and form of Le Natural Mall products including discontinuing any products. Notice of any change will be the same manner and at the same time as Le Natural provides notice to its other agents.
Referral Forms: All referral forms will be signed and filled out prior to sale is competed, and must be submitted with application of sales. The amount of ten percent for referral will be paid on gross earnings one week after cancellation period and contract is cleared.
Status of GAB: The GAB will at all times be an independent contractor and nothing contained herein will be construed to create relationship of employer and employee between Le Natural Mall and the GAB. The GAB will be free to exercise its own judgement with respect to the conduct of its business within the parameters of generally applicable instructions, rules and requirements from time to time prescribed by Le Natural Mall.
Safety: The condition of being safe; freedom from danger, risk, or injury, Le Natural Mall and the GAB’s have the right to confirm Identity with clients prior to sale through validation of person’s ID.
Le Natural Mall and GAB’s have the right to ask for Prior of any sale to confirm that the purchaser identity. When ID from customer is or may be required and when requested, customer must present valid ID.
Extended Network and Public Availability of User Profile Information Opted-in members can appear on external search results for Le Natural & Holiday Vacation Rental Properties .com as well as on Le Natural partner channels for up to two weeks or longer at a time (this can be anywhere on the Le Natural website or in any section of our partners’ websites, including the homepage). Thank you for your support Le Natural Mall & partners.
Leave a message mentioning the product or service that you are interested in and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Sharon
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho, ‘The Alchemist’
Kind Regards,
Le Natural Mall
Link- Our Principles / Business Ethics and Compliance
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